Violet Kill delivers metal mayhem
Violet Kill are ready to devour you with their intense creation of metal mayhem and do not care what people think as these ladies strap on guitars and turn up the volume on their amps. After all, with influences that include fire breathing dragons, Buddy Rich, Jack Black, Veggies, blow torches, hand grenades and sharp objects, what else would you expect?
"We are looking to transform people's image of female musicians in the Metal genre. It's not about taking your shirt off and showing your boobies, though it sure does help… We want to prove that we banded together simply for the love of music, metal, and for the love of being serious and passionate musicians. We are a band of sisters, we love practicing along with playing out. The best part of it all is that every moment in Violet Kill is fun and never work."
"We want to show the world that female musicians can have the same comradely as anyone else in the metal scene. We just wanted something different. We are all in other bands that are coed, but it is nice to just jam out with fellow female musicians, it gives the mostly male dominated metal genre a different perspective."
VK formed in 2009 in the Chicago area and have been delivering original music and finding respect from the music community. They include Drea Alexander on vocals, Sharon Kus on lead guitar, Carrie Morse on rhythm guitar, and just added Josette on bass and Naydja on drums as the group is pushing through with a line-up change and refueled to breath more fire in the upcoming months.
"We're looking to come back with a vengeance after a few hardships and lineup changes. We want to come back on the scene even stronger than we last ended. We almost broke up because we were having difficulty finding other female musicians and felt like we were not progressing. We got together one day and just agreed that it was greatly important for all of us to push forward and make VK work. We all love this band so much and didn’t want to see it fall for such a small reason. We have new songs and new members (though we still love our past members) which means we want to come out tighter and heavier. We plan on coming out with a new EP, music videos and merchandise within the next 365 days. It’s exciting times for VK."
The girls playing metal in what is established as male domain is something VK is out to prove that they have plenty of metal voltage pumping through their veins as well. "We always get the response, “Five girls in one band, that must be dramatic!” It is actually the complete opposite… We get along so well and really care about each other; we never have arguments. Many times there may be difference of opinions, but we feel that that is healthy for a band to have. Simply put…we, females, have the same capabilities, passion and drive as men in the rock/metal genre."
As for success the band has been together for five years and have received positive feedback to their precense and music. "For us is getting positive feedback or feedback of any kind, really. We were unsure how the response to an all female metal band was going to be. It is a great feeling to have such a supportive community from other local Chicagoland bands, metalheads, and huge support from the Chicago Metal Alliance.
Our long term goals are to keep playing out and hitting bigger and bigger venues and to grow our live show. Hopefully as we grow musically and as musicians, so will the crowds."
Violet Kill has plenty of talent and a sound that will hook you and do not want to miss. They are a name you want to remember and time to recognize that yes, women have plenty of passion and drive and know a thing or two about playing their instruments and driving metal riffs deep inside your skull! The result may be some serious head banging.
You can find VK on their Facebook page and www.violetkill.com