Bleeding On Wednesday does not care what you think about them. They are on a mission to play fast, loud and hard metal that breaks the sound barriers. The band from Zagreb, Croatia formed in 2011 and found a stable lineup last year which includes Dora on drums, Ivana on guitar, Bizarre on vocals and Ela on bass.
“The whole story was built on children's ideas and wishes of the band where the mic and instruments are ''killed'' by women, said Dora. Thanks to social networks Bizzarre found Dora, Dora found Ivana and we have begun with rehearsals in some old garage with one punk band. We had two unsuccessful collaborations with two bass players. After them, Ela came to the band and we can say that the final version of B.O.W. was finally formed in late 2012. Today is very hard to find, at least in these areas, girls who have same desire to play and girls who really feel this kind of music, for the same reason it was thought that everything would remain solely and exclusively on the child's unfulfilled dream.”
“We are one big ball of passion and unity which wants to make even the slightest change anywhere in the world hoping to leave our mark in people's hearts and minds even if it's just a few nice words, few glasses of beer or a hug to some kid to came to see our show and who felt at least a part of message that we are trying to send, whether it's good or bad. The stage is our second home, and everyone is welcome there. Like real good hosts we will do our best to make you feel welcome, and the only thing you have to bring with is good will and we are ready to get the mosh pit started. We don’t like to be classified as an all-female band, although it is unavoidable because in the end we are girls in a band that enjoys making fast and loud music.”
Bleeding On Wednesday are releasing their debut EP this Fall. “We are very excited about it. We have recorded 4 songs which represent the bands work so far. It will be available for free download on bandcamp.com, the links for free download will be posted on our Facebook page as well, and we are hoping to share our music with as many people possible.”
These women truly believe in their music and ability to play aggressive metal and look past the so-called stereotypical preconceptions. “About our band, and every other all-female band who have found themselves in this musical genre, we really hate, really, really hate, when we are told, that we totally rock considering that we are women. We believe that music is not created by sexual organs, so what’s the fucking difference? There is no big difference between female, male or mixed bands, maybe it is considered to be harder for all female bands to make their way in music industry because in some music genres there are prejudices about women playing these genres, which in our opinion makes girls work harder to show they are as worthy as any other band out there.”
"As for the music itself, we are not limited to any particular genre, nor do we think we ever will be. All four have very different characters, and you can hear that in the diversity of our music and everybody can find themselves in our songs. Each, including every song that will be written has its own message, irrelevant to the topic. We write about everything that comes to our minds so as we are not limited to one specific genre, we would not say that we classify our band strictly through a single message."
Bleeding on Wednesday are out for blood and ready to rock the world with their music. They are four individuals out to make the most of their passion which is music. Tune in to more from this hard edged unique band that are going to show you what they are made of.
"There is nothing that 4 of us can't manage as long as we stick together. Passion for music is our biggest motivation and we will continue to be as good as we can, to grow as musicians and persons. The most important part of being in this band is that we are not just a band, professional band. We are like family who gathered together to make music, honest music, hoping that one day someone's gonna say 'hey, that's the band with this song I love'."