The Franklys are blazing a trail of unrelenting Indie Garage rock that is energetic and powerful with plenty of catchy riffs to stoke the flames of your
deepest fibers. It's crunching garage rock with pop twist and a feminine edge and will drive you wild with its addictive sound.
The Franklys keep it straight and in your face with their music and attitude. It is loud,intense and refreshing to hear as they drive a hot sound influenced
from such acts as the Hives, Strokes, Zeppelin and Blondie.
The Franklys were formed in 2017 when Jen Ahlkvist and Fanny Broberg left Sweden and headed for London to form their nitch in the music scene and found
bassist Zoe Biggs and drummer Lexi Clark. They immediately began touring and released their debut Are You Listening on Halta Halta Records featuring ten tracks. Last year the band toured extensively with 4 European tours and the recording of a new EP Framed was released in 2019.
"We are an Anglo-Swedish garage rock band based in London and the South of England. We enjoy long drives around Europe, free wine and all of the bread."
And to their name the band rocks you with a quick edge and are in your face. "We just are. Is that to the point enough haha. No, but seriously we like to make our point and move on, there’s no skirting around issues or anything like that."
The Franklys deliver the goods when it comes to music. Their music speaks volumes for itself. No labels needed and remind people female rock is not a gender. "There may be the perception that we are not to be taken seriously, that we cannot play, that we are there purely to smile and look pretty, that we are
only there to impress or get with a guy in a band…. I’m sure I could go on. Comments that range from ‘You play pretty well for girls’ to the confusing
‘I don’t usually like all girl bands but I like you’ to the disheartening, as it was from a group of women, ‘oh no, it’s a girl band next….’. I think the term ‘all girl band’ is redundant really. Why should that even be a thing? Our gender doesn’t alter our ability to write or to perform. I may be wrong, but I have yet to see a poster advertising an ‘all male rock band’. So, just ditch the male/female etc. stuff and say ‘rock band’, ‘pop band’,
‘ska band’ or whatever. We made the t-shirts because we were fed up of having ‘female’ being used as a descriptor for our sound. What does that even mean?!
They just played the Blackthorn Festival in July and plan on hiding out to work on new material for the band's second full length album. As for accomplishments
to date the band have plenty to look to with more to come in the near future. "It’s hard to define ‘biggest moment’ because we have been able to do a lot of
things that have made us very proud. I think releasing our debut album is a big one, and also playing Download Festival and Isle of Wight Festival. The best part
is getting to write, travel and perform with three of your closest friends. Being on tour is an experience like no other, and getting to share it with the other
girls is a privilege."
Now my frank advice is just do it...get their music, inhale it and let it give you a mind blowing experience like no other.
Get the Franklys and turn up the volume on 11 for an adrenaline pumping experience you won't forget and be wanting more of! No mind altering stimulants are needed here. Just a good sound system with the Franklys on it!
Follow the links to find them here:
Sound Cloud