Ok, there are many beaches full of beautiful women in South America, but this is not about the scenery. This is about the sound reverberating throughout the continent as ladies pick up guitars and sticks and rock with a fever. From Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Argentina and Chile, everywhere, women are delivering the kind of music that the men have been for so long.
Women were firing up the stages in Brazil as early as 1983 when Prepucio formed out of Minas, Geris; with little of any recognition as this death metal band took on the challenge as most notably the first of its kind in Brazil. Following in their footsteps in 1987 were Volkana out of Brazilia and Mortifers out of Campina Grande from 1987-91 who are noted as the first all-female death metal band from the region. Placenta rocked hard from 1987-92 out of Belo Horizonte and Flammea were one of the best heavy bands out of Brazil (Brasilia) from 1988-94). In Argentina Las Brujas played from 1987-92. Another death metal band, Excruciation played from 1994-98 out of Brazil. Area 7 is the only all-female band from Peru and has been performing since 1999.
Turn the clock ahead to the present and there is a whole force of bands taking the stages filling out hard rock riffs. Hell Arise, Hovario, Girlie Hell, Panndora, Scatha, Vocifera, Mortariu,m Trinnity, and Nervosa all hail from Brazil with a fiery edge. The Marie Dolls are also new on the music scene from Brazil. Sigmen are from Peru while Sakubaand Berberis are from Chile, Perverse Suffering, Infernal Pussy, Highway, and Fleuretty are from Columbia.
Nervosa have been one of the bands leading the way in 2013 with their hard as nails honest thrash style with featured performances with the likes of the legendary Girlschool, a legendary all-female band from the UK, and of late with another legendary band in the Damned this summer. Bass/vocalist Fernanda Lira said, “We are equal at men, We are sincere, We make music with the same influences that men, for us all is so natural, but some people have prejudice, but most is free this prejudice. Female band still is new, there is not many. We hope see many bands.” Getting respect, said Lira, is a big challenge for an all-female band. “To have respect the same way that male band, and other challenges of equal. Female bands always will have obligation of prove to be true, because the people think that band exist by cause of image, of appearance, and it’s not true. So We have to prove this every day.”
Angela of Vocifera said, “Some people believe that the prestige and appreciation we have received are linked to the fact that we are a all female band. We are here for the music, we want to make metal with quality, like any band with professional spirit.”
The difficulty is that some people tend to relate the appreciation we have received with the fact that we are women, and not cause we have been making good music. Some people feel more comfortable to criticize (and often, critical offensive and completely nonsensical) and still others, doubt that women and men have the same ability to make an aggressive sound (yes, really).”