It was 1984 when Rosy Vista broke onto the music scene in Hanover, Germany as pioneers. They were the first all female rock band from Germany and in true 80's style had the hair, the leather, the spandex and style many recall from the era. They also had something much more than style and looks--but heart pounding heavy metal music that kept them in the hard rock scene until 1992 when they split up only to reunite again in 2002 and now some 32 years in are rocking as hard as ever and are filled with the same intense energy as they began. The band include Andrea Schwarz on vocals, Anca Graterol on guitar, vocals, Marina Hlubek on drums, Gaby Neitzel on guitar, vocals and Heike Busche on bass.
Anca believes that Rosy Vista picked up where they left off and have always maintained the same attitude and intensity in their music and desire to create hard rock. "Rosy Vista was the first All Girl Metal Band in Germany, and the most known one ... We started in 1984 in Hannover and at that time the Band was the most important thing in our lifes ... Now, years later, when we met again, there was exactly the same magic as before".
Andrea feels the band has matured with age. "Our music is more mature and more powerful than before. We place even more emphasis on full choirs and powerful guitar riffs. Some songs are quite different from what you might expect from us. Let yourself be surprised!"
While Rosy Vista proved again and again to be a force in the metal scene they were of course going against the grain as an all female band in a male dominated music scene. Not only gender barriers but barriers in attitude prevailed at the time. "It was a challenge for us, as we were one of the first pure women's bands and the first in Germany - in the hardrock / metal sector – allways in a competition with men in business, said Andrea. That was nothing what WE propagated, its a fact. We always had to be better, stronger, tougher than our male colleagues. Rosy Vista got immediately and very quickly the attention of record companies, managers, publishers and so on. Some people in Hannover and also in business generally were sometimes jealous of it and pushed our success just on our appearance. Of course, it is an advantage if you can present yourself well ... All Ladies of R.V. have great musical experiences and – thats very importent – are best friends all those years. Thats part of the magic of this Band."
Andrea recalled that when they began in the 80s appearance was more of a factor than the music but their music is what always mattered most. "In the past the appearance was as important as the interplay of the band. It was important to look great as well as playful. Sometimes we got to hear that the look was more important. This is totally different today. Today we are loved by our personality and good musicality...... smile....AND out unbelievable great lool today too – of course. The whole 80s were characterized by a shrill outfit and a crazy look - so we were. At that time, we lived the rock and metal look - today the appearance and the presence on stage is important, but more important is our interplay within the band and the great feeling together."
While playing together for so long is a monumental achievement of itself, the biggest accomplishment Anca recalls is their record selling out back in 1987 in less than a week. " We have several notable accomplishments in our career ... Probably the most notable accomplishment was in 1987 – Czechoslovakia tour, 20,000 records sold in less than a week ... I remember, we just started the tour and somebody told us that there is a special edition of our record, a single, specially for this tour and only available in that country. I tried to buy it, I went everywhere, but no way, it was completely sold out ..."
Rosy Vista are back again recording and touring and have plenty of rock and roll to spread to the music world. ANDREA said, "The world need to know, that Rosy Vista is now much more different than in the eary years/ years ago. We have collected so many musical experiences, that we can relax on stage and have just fun with the next gigs. In addition, we have also developed humanely. What used to be cute in the past is now respectful and self-confident. Ros< Vista will play for our fans but ( and) also for ourselves! Our music is more mature and more powerful than before. We place even more emphasis on full choirs and powerful guitar riffs. Some songs are quite different from what you might expect from us. Let yourself be surprised!" MARINA added, "Rosy Vista are back, rocking as hard as ever. And you can be assured we’ll keep rockin’ till we drop" ANGELA said, "We play because music makes people happy – it’s the one true language of the world."
You can expect plenty more powerful music from Rosy Vista as they are energized by the opportunity to continue to play their style of rock and roll metal hopefully for years to come creating "magic", as Anca says. "There is a lot of this very specially good Music and Ideas in our head, which must end in a musical new idea!", said Andrea. Angela adds, "We are all friends with the never ending burning desire to make great music."