
Get ready for the Psychords….Hey, Ho! Let’s Go…. This power punk trio out of Milan, Italy are about to set the Italian music scene on fire with their energetic punk rock that is addicting, intense, versatile and packed with power. Oh, yeah, you will like it! The band have been together since late 2011 and released their first video in 2014 “I Wanna Live Like Joey Ramone”, followed with their Psychords EP in 2015. The band includes Violet Burns on vocals and guitar; Gio Highlander on bass and vocals and Lo Claudia on drums.
“Psychords is a punk rock all-female band based in Milan, Italy. We are a power trio with a unique combination of a powerful sound and great shows.”
‘Psychords’ is made-up by the union of the words ‘Psycho’ and ‘Chords’, and that’s what our sound would represent, 'psycho chords' on a furious drum beat mostly inspired by the first wave of punk. We met with the common desire to form a female rock band! Violet Burns, singer and guitarist, posted a "Seeking Musicians" ad at the end of 2011. Gio Highlander was the first to answer (starting as guitarist, while now she plays the bass and makes chorus), followed by Claudia Lo (drums). So let's say that the core trio was the same since the beginnings, but it has undergone through integration and transformation over time, even by welcoming male bassists / guitar players. Then, about three years ago, the band returned to his original form of power trio to carry on the project for which it was born."
Coming out of DIY roots, the Psychords have not only achieved success on their own but have overcome the obstacles in front of them not only in the male dominated music scene but also continuing to write fresh material.
“It is not easy to reply ... there are so many things to achieve. First of all, we are really proud about ourselves because we have made our way all by ourselves, without any help and relatively in few time. We always start by the DIY approach in life and in the band and we are trying, through our unexpected sound and our presence on stage, to break through this wall of male bands dominating the music scene. It is not easy, considering that the resources to invest, in terms of energy, dedication, time, and money too are often more the available ones. Here it is, this may be one of the things we are more proud of today: we are making it works well against every difficulties... and we feel the band is growing, and we know that it is our merit.”
"You know… we are “only three girls”, so sometimes it could have happened in our history that there have been prejudices, someone who even tried to cheat us because of this. Every now and then it may happen to witness to episodes of chauvinism, but just in isolated cases that self-destroy as soon as we start playing. Here in Italy we haven't got a strong culture about punk rock music, so we're an exception! If you stop just at the appearance we can look more like three sweet little girls but if you listen to our music it's so powerful!! We're also trying, through it, to create more room for this music genre in our country!
To play for us it means mainly freedom: freedom to express ourselves and to do what we love… something finding then its catharsis on stage!"
When it comes to a live show, the Psychords deliver raw energetic music that is fun and a release from the world.
”During our shows we always try to involve our fans, encouraging them to forget the bad things of the daily life, hoping to make them feel free like we feel when we are on stage. We also have a song about this: just listen to ‘Have a drink’ from our EP Psychords!”
"We are currently working on our new album! It’s been a long way from the previous EP, so the new album will be the result of all the steps we came up till today. There will be punk-style songs and some evolving tracks ... shortly, everything will be in real Psychords style! Of course, there will also be some hits to be listened at full volume on the stereo! The exclusive preview of our new LP will be available on August at the Rebellion Festival (Blackpool), when we will officially release it for UK, and then in September it will be out also in other countries. We just released the first song: “Save my Sanity”, being also the title track of the new album and bringing its main message as well: it's a shout, it's a shock, it's a slap in the face of the "values" and principles that are instilled in the new generations’ minds , which are imposed in many occasions of life. And they are heavy, ridiculous. We felt obliged to do something, to try to awake that thing that is now buried at the bottom of the hearts ... the freedom to be oneself!
In the video, we enjoyed playing these three ridiculous characters as a result of the exasperation of these ephemeral values: the "heiress", attached to the money opening any door; the "plastic surgery chick", a slave of beauty accessed only through a surgical hardening; the "popular", whose social appearance is more important than adequacy to real life. And we imagined a decay of these figures because life is a wheel and sooner or later it turns for everyone, especially when you try to get it back."
"All of our songs are original, and in everyone there's a piece of us! But we think that the song which better describes us is "I wanna live like Joey Ramone" because it really shows who we are and how we wanna live!
We can also say that it is not a trademark because if you listen to our songs you can realize that they are all different! Different rhythm, style, different way of singing and interpreting...so that you can never get bored! And maybe you’ll need more!"
The Psychords are one of the freshest bands around and one listen will hook you to their infectious sound. Do not miss your chance to feel the energy their music delivers and be sure to find them and support them.
You can find us and our music on the major social networks:
Facebook : https://m.facebook.com/psychordspunk/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLDixwsJ4ZSPL4DO_4sJ_9Q
Twitter and Instagram (@Psychords)
And you can also find our music on Bandcamp: https://psychords.bandcamp.com/releases