When it comes to creating hard music Sin of Night are natural born killers and know what it takes with a deep passion for expressing themselves with hard edged sonic music that is sure to light night clubs on fire. The band formed in Rome, Italy, in 2012 and after performing regularly were signed to Agoge Records, in 2014 in collaboration with the producer Gianmarco Bellumori. They released their debut LP, Take the Snake in May of 2015. The band includes Aivil on vocals, Julie on guitar, Electra on bass and Noemi on drums. “We're Sin of Night, one of the few totally female bands in Rome. As a band we try to deal with themes and topics that we consider important, even socially concerned, to spread our ideas and thoughts about nowadays problems. That is because music is our way of expressing, and it talks about us, there’s always something strictly personal in every song cause we try to put a bit of ourselves in everything we do, even to avoid musical stereotypes and strict genre classifications. Everyone of us has a different story about her falling in love with music.” Julie said, “I've always loved, since the earliest age, listening to music and seeing films in which music was the principal character (such as The Blues Brothers). It has been this endless closeness with music that made me choose to follow that road and to begin playing an instrument.” Electra said, “I'll say just two things: bass player brother and Iron Maiden!” Noemi adds, “I've always loved Art, every kind of it, since I was a kid but only growing up I have understand that what I loved most was the music, and this happened when I started listening to Pantera, whose music inspired me and gave me the boost necessary to start playing the drums!”
“I was introduced to music when I was really young, by my grandfather, Aivil said. He loved music, especially classical music, so I started knowing the music through artist like Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Mozart and so. But the band that really made me say "shit! That’s what I wanna do!" was the
Sex Pistols, they've been like a bullet through my brain. As a band we have a lot of different influences because every one of us brings her own taste and experience. We're strongly influenced by the 80's with all their different metal genres, from hard rock to sleaze, glam
metal and thrash metal, but we even have a great connection with the Punk music. So our "guide" bands start with the Sex Pistols to go on with Guns N Roses, Motley Crue, Megadeth, Iron Maiden and more.”
As much as the girls wanted an all female lineup they had to go through some changes before finding Noemi who was also seeking the same desire.
“In the beginning every one of us wanted an all female project. Aivil and Julie came from a previous band and decided to keep on playing together. So they tried with an ad on a site called "Villaggio Musicale" and were contacted by Electra. The first lineup was completed by a drummer, Giulia. Less than a year later they split up
with the drummer and eventually found Noemi, who was looking for a female band to join. So in the end the band was born by fate and fortune and became an all female due to a desire more than to a decision."
The band has proved all detractors wrong as many said that the heavy style of music was not for woman to play. “There have been those who have said we can't play the
genre we play because it's "not for women", or that we're too young to jump on a stage and play. This happens because a lot of people do not understand our music and the intention behind it. Fortunately we have even a lot of people that like us and support us, which it's the
biggest satisfaction!”

“People might give too much attention to the way we dress or we move when we're on stage, overlooking the reason that there are behind it and, sorry to say that, the music. We're kind of used to being misunderstood, because our music is a mix of genres and influences and not all people are able to listen out of genre prejudice and classification, that's why we're often told we're an unripe band. More generally speaking when it comes to female bands, people always tend to give too much importance to what their eyes see than to what their ears hear.”
Sin of Night are releasing their debut album in April as they put their mark in rock and roll immortality. “Yes our debut album is about to be released in April. This has been the first studio experience for all of us; it has been a new experience, and has helped us to improve both as a band and as single musicians. Surely it has been a challenging and demanding experience, but although all the effort needed it has been a lot of fun! Our producer helped us a lot and created a comfortable environment for the recordings, even giving us something to drink. This first album is a kind of our calling card. It's characterized by eclecticism and musical research. This album doesn't have a leading thread; it’s more a project that encases our influences and important moments of our lives, both in the music and in the lyrics. We tried to deal with important themes, such as the lack of ambition, the wasting of the lifetime and of the brain abilities, in "suicide"(our single); the need for women of a jailbreak from the schemes and the predetermined role assigned by society in "grind house" And "snake's daughters" which are even a celebration of women. Other themes are the invitation to act freely from religious rules (unrepentant sinner), the need to live our lives like every day were the last one (iron sunset) and more classical ones like love (coming home) and the power of rock n roll (the flame of rock n roll, whiskey dreams).”
The new LP is titled Take the Snake. “We choose this for various reasons: in the first place because the snake is part of our logo, due to our name, and it's a clear recalling to the original Sin; secondly the title can be interpreted in two ways: one it’s to be intended like “take this album” cause it’s our first one, the second is an invite to sin, where with sin we mean to go out of the schemes and the predetermined roles of society. In few words it’s an invite to be free. The song is a riot against the lack of ambition and the wasting of life and brain abilities, as we said before. It’s one of the first songs we have written as a band, and it’s really a piece of our heart. Behind the video there’s no a determined story, but a series of symbols. We wanted to depict the decay of a person that doesn’t think and prefers to spend time watching TV or doing nothing, which it’s well shown by the blindfolded girl, the fall of the book and the burning book.”
“We always try to give people an involving gig, to make them dance and have fun and headbang and mosh; but we want even hit them with our music and communicate the themes our songs deal with, so when they come back home they’ll think over and not forget what we wanted to say.”
Aivil said, “Well the best part is friendships bond, there is a kind of sisterhood between us; we hear from each other every day and we talk about topics that aren't linked with the band. We go out together and always have a lot of fun.”
“The biggest stereotype we have to face is that women can't write, play, perform music. This is bad because we put the heart in what we do and the maximum of the effort in every song and in every live show, and being told that we're just chicks that like to be watched and
love showing off it's really frustrating, because, damn!, it's not even
Just as Sin of Night prepare for their release party they look to taking their live performance abroad to Europe and America. “We would love to perform abroad, in Europe and America, that would be great, so we'll try to organize something. And obviously we'll start working on our second album for which we for a lot of idea and material!”
The light is bright for the Sin of Night as they gained success last year with a record contract, an album and several shows getting to play at larger venues with the likes of Thundermother, Confess and Bai Bang. “We would like to play in bigger venues, with important names, but in the first place we want to spread our Music and bring it worldwide.”
Of course there has been and there is an inequality. Being an all female band has always been a double-edged sword. It's true that female bands are less and so there are more possibilities to get in the Music business, but on the other hand there are PLENTY of male bands that are considered more seriously. The gender stereotypes are unfortunately still strong and female bands aren't seen in a serious way, they’re just looked at for their appearance, not for the Music and this penalizes a lot female musicians. For the future we hope in a better and bigger collaboration between male and female bands, we hope to see women being takes seriously, and being evaluated in the same way of male bands, and more than everything else we want the overcoming of all gender stereotypes (not only in the musical field) because nowadays are to be considered useless and retrograde.”
We hope that our Music and our message will be understood and that people get over gender stereotypes, and see that we're not four chicks that hacking nothing better to do decided to
give birth to a rock band. So we've told you about us, and that's all ladies and gentlemen, we're Sin of Night and You...are You ready to Sin ??!?
Sin of Night are all about rock and roll and one band to be taken serious as they deliver true sonic energy that deserves your attention. If you are looking for hot rock and roll, the Sin of Night deliver!
Look for Sin of Night on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.