The Motolickers are delivering serious rock and roll out of Padua, Itay—a place that is not known for its hard rock scene. Not only do the Motolickers deliver hard rock but are an all-female group who play with influences such as Led Zeppelin, Whitesnake, Deep Purple Slayer, Kiss and Megedeth.
The band derived their name from an English translation of an Italian neologism of themselves, says Bea, ^The Motolickers is a tool of passion and fun and feminine supremacy. It’s also sensuality and badassery together.But we can’t reveal more about this, in order to not break the spell of our female secret rock power.^
The MotoLickers include Bea on guitar and lead vocals, Liz on guitar, Krim on bass and Sill on drums.
The MotoLickers formed in 2007 beginning on classic rock covers from their favorite artists including Kiss, Black Sabbath, Crucified Barbara and others. By 2009 they were playing live in the pubs and festivals with a five piece group that featured a tenacious rhythmic background and two lead vocalists to paint the songs with a more intense sound. In 2011 they began writing originals which lead to winning a first prize in the Camposampiero Sound Project contest. They won a vote of the audience contest in the Radio Marilu Rock Contest which was organized by a local radio station which gave the band radio airplay.
In 2013 the band experienced a lineup change when one of the lead vocalists left the band and have decided to keep the band a four piece."4 is the magic number! ROCK has got 4 letters! We did our first date with this new mark (4 members) on 18th January 2014 in "Mattorosso" pub, near Esse Music Store (an important shop for musical instruments near Treviso, Italy) and it was great!We’re a “fuckin' female hard rock band” and we’re going to play with more power and passion!"
"The world needs to know that MotoLickers isn't just a surface female band, but there's passion and toughness that flow together on the stage. We do live through the rock energy while we play, said Bea. “At the very beginning it was just causality: two of us played together since they were very young, just as friends, sharing passion for music. And people the most of the time were astonished to know that two girls did something so masculine... you know, women usually play the piano and sing... It's a point of view very old-fashioned but we thought “Hey, if we rode the stage with an all-female band, it would be powerful because people just don't expect such a kind of rock from women”.
While women playing hard rock are becoming more acceptable the challenge to actually take their music to the stage the barriers still exists. “For us it’s a challenge every time we are on the stage because people think to know who we are before listening to us. Usually men come just because they think we will get naked on the stage, and women just are jealous...but they are wrong and they just change their opinion. We just want to rock, and all of you can find it coming out at our shows”
“People might think that women want to play only for showing themselves and they forget there could be more, there could be other things to consider. Not all female rock band have the same purpose, just respect that! People sometimes forget that there is study, effort and constancy also behind all female rock bands. They sometimes think that women won’t be able to play the guitar or the bass or the drums like men, and that women are just lucky to be women so that they could capture approvals with their feminine look."
"About treatment and respect, we hope that all bands, female and male, will be respect, maybe abroad we’ve heard that there is more “rock culture” and more “respect” intended as opportunities for playing, equipment or structure of the pubs for live music… but we don’t know well because we’ve never played abroad. About us, we want that people respect the fact that we’re women and also the fact that we play. We are not here with feminist idealism to be treated as man or something. We want female rock to be recognized for what it is. Because it's different... there's different electricity on the stage... women while playing spread sensuality and energy... people just should accept it and enjoy it. We want that people respect us as musicians. We want that people come to our live because we are a strong hard rock band, regardless if we are women. So we think that this is the biggest challenge! Our biggest obstacle is to emerge in a musical scene that is predominantly male. Another big challenge is the hope to succeed with songs composed by ourselves."
The MotoLickers plan to release a new EP this year and have plenty to say said Bea. "When we write it is about us. Playing together, love and hate, what daily happened, with our personal style. In our songs there is always a connection between rock music and life. For example our first song is a hymn to rock n’roll, the chorus says All you got to do is rock n’ roll, but there isn’t only this meaning: the text begins with Last night I had a really strange dream so it’s a story… a story about the hope you can find with the rock music, a saving power that removes all your fears. A similar structure is also about “B.E.E.R.”: this is the title of another our song and it talks about the need to forget all problems and disgusting things that happen during the working week, and it exhorts to be reborn on Saturday night thanks to friends, music and beers. Sometimes the rebirth is suffered, as in the song “Bleeding in vain” where you can read I don’t want to hear your fuckin’ lies, I am tired to stay behind this stupid line, but in its chorus the bully attitude, expressed for all the time by the instrumental riffs, is recovered also by the first exclamation and the following words: Hey you! Are you talking to me? Yeah.We write in this way because we think rock music is an expression of true feelings that, through various images (like the Queen of our song “Queen o’the Nim”), take a shape and this shape reminds us what all we are: human beings full of anger, love, sadness, happiness, disappointing moments but also heroic moments like the Queen o’the Nim, who has got the courage to run ahead, to dream, waiting for the moonlight."
Look for the Motolickers on YouTube. And ReverbNation. You can also find them on their Facebook page, www.facebook.com/MotoLickers,
"We’re a “fuckin' female hard rock band” and we’re going to play with more power and passion!"