Not just tits, ass, and pretty faces...
Hot Cherie are a hard rocking band out of Stockholm, Sweden and feature an all girl lineup that takes no prisoners and deliver solid music pumping out melodic glam hard rock. The band formed in the summer of 2013 and by the following year in December released Hell on High Heels, an EP that includes two tracks that have won two awards in the category for "best music composition" in 2013 and 2014. The EP actually sold out on the first day of its release so finding actual copies is difficult. You can get a taste of their hot music on their web site. The members include Desiree on vocals, Thilde on guitar, Alicia on guitar, Ebba on bass and Mr on drums. The band take their name from the Streetheart song “Hot Cherie”. They wanted to have a feminine meaning and Cherie also means darling in French.
So far, the band look to their EP release as the biggest achievement as well as getting a stable lineup after searching for the right mix of members the past two years. Alicia said, “It's probably recording and releasing our EP, because of all the great response we have achieved! But also the feeling of finally have a complete band. For two years we've been searching for the perfect lady to become our fifth member, and we have switched members a couple of times but now we
believe our latest member is here to stay! It sure is to find the last member of the band and make it work out. It's really hard to find female musicians who play our kind of music!”
Many people probably underestimate us, just because we're girls. Until they actually hear our music and get surprised. The most common first impression people get is not the music, it's the fact that all female rock bands are as said females, by calling a band consisting of only females ''All female band'' the first impression most people get in their head is ass and tits, said Alicia. While the bands consisting of just guys are just called ''band''. There are a lot more focus their music
instead of their tits and ass, it's straight to the point. Female rock bands is not just ass, tits and pretty faces, we're creating hard ass Rock'N'Roll and we fucking love it!”

Hot Cherie has been working hard to play their own brand of music and do it their way. They are not about to let others keep them from holding them back. She added, “Never let anyone tell you otherwise. People will have a hard time taking female musicians seriously but it's our vision to change that.”
"Our #1 rule on stage is to put on the Best. Show. Ever. Doing a show that is ''Alright'' or ''Could be worse'' is not acceptable for us, this is what we do and what we love and is not something we only go halfway through. The people on the floor is as much part of the show as we are on the stage, we're not the only ones in the show, they're in it too. We all rock our heads off together."
The bonus of all this, says Alicia, is that they have not only become bonded as a band but as friends as well. “It’s how we’re all best friends. We all love each other and get the
opportunity to not only hang out but also to write songs together about experiences we’ve been through. The bond band mates have I think is stronger than any other and I love how close we’ve all become over these past two years together.”
Look for Hot Cherie to keep the pedal to the metal in the New Year and with the band members coming of legal age can turn up the heat even more. “This year we are going to play live as much as possible! Now when all our members finally have turned 18 it's so much easier to get gigs. We are also planning on recording a new EP this summer, because we have some great new songs to show the world.”
“We can be more creative, more wild, take more place to become masters! But that's a hunger that seems to never be satisfied, because one does not simply stop learning new skills and stop developing. We constantly work to better ourselves ,striving to be the best.”
Alicia said, “We are here to prove ourselves to the world and won't even budge for anything! This is what we do and what we love, music is our passion, it consumes us.” She added, “Hot Cherie are some badass bitches who are here to stay.”
You can find Hot Cherie on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/hotcherie or the band site
http://www.hotcherie.weebly.com . You can also find them on Spotify, Soundcloud, Ituntes and Youtube.