Get ready for a new band in town. A band that will take you out of your normal world into a frenzy of music and sounds that will rock your socks off. A band that create more than just songs but an experience like no other. The Honky Tonk Angels deliver a unique sound that is full of energy and power backed with the musicianship to take it over the top to a different sound that simply rocks. The Honky Tonk Angels mix a combination of originals and cover songs that will have you catching their beat on the dance floor and letting your hair down in the process. And they happen to be an all girl band that defy the odds and deliver solid music along with a great stage presence and sound that will have your returning for more again and again based out of Akron/Medina, Ohio.
The band includes Charis Thorsell on guitar and lead vocals, Sabrina Johnson on bass, Chelsea Bilbrey on lead guitar and Ellie Kimevski on drums. And, the Honky Tonk Angels offer plenty of experience together and individually as players.
“We have a hunger, a drive, a passion, and a original style of songs and sound, that sets us apart”, said Thorsell. “We play with our heart and soul. We don't try to fit a mold. As far as instruments, we are Fender girls for sure with our amps, guitars, and bass rig. Chelsea keeps us country with her Telecaster, but adds overdrive, delay, and reverb. I add the rock sound with my Stratocaster. I don't really like to use pedals because if I relied on a certain sound and then the pedal went down on the road and I couldn't reproduce that sound I'd be screwed, but I do love the sound of a super overdrive pedal, which is the only one I use. Chelsea and I take turns playing leads and solos, which adds to our unique sound, but she is our main lead player. Sabrina thumps out those walking bass lines. Ellie plays with feeling and keeps a simple beat on her Pearl Exports and times her fills just perfectly, to not be overkill. We are firm believers in the K.I.S.S. theory of Keep It Simple Stupid. If it's got good lyrics, rhythm, and beat, no need to throw in unnecessary beats and notes. Make every note and beat count and make it mean something.”
The Honky Tonk Angels have an intense sound that combines country, rock and alternative and dish out a sound that will hook you. “Good music transcends genres, said Thorsell. We are definitely lyric driven. And as far as sound we are pretty eclectic, with a wide range of influences. I grew up in a Christian home, being a cowgirl, so pretty much Country or Christian rock was all I was permitted to listen too, so you tend to rebel when you get older, and rock it out, but then you come back to your roots. A rodeo queen once called us Gypsy rock and I just loved that adjective. I also, like to think we are Outlaw style of country because we don't quite fit in, in Nashville. We have some old, traditional, twangy type sounds, and then we have some Joan Jett style sounding songs. We've been compared to Lynyrd Skynrd, Creedence Clearwater Revival, and one time someone said our song .30-.30 Lover action sounded like a Black Sabbath song, so heck I don't know, let the fans decide.”
For Thorsell, music has been a life long dream and direction. “I have always loved music. I love watching and listening to live music. It can take you places you didn't even know lived in your heart and mind. I would always go and listen to bands and admire them and would think man I don't want to be these guys groupie or girlfriend, I wanna BE them! I got started in college at Kent State, in between classes hanging out with guy friends that all played guitar and just watching and learning. When I was in college the all girl bands L7, The Donnas, and of course the Runaways were all popular. I was like wow these girls can all actually play their instruments, they are not just a novelty, and they got something to say. Girl power! I was truly inspired and a dream was planted.”

Thorsell wanted to be in an all female band deep down and finally was able to put it together. Was it a challenge? Oh only a 15 year challenge haha. Ever since I learned to play, I've been trying to put together an all girl band. I have played in lots of bands, but could never get all girls. I would have a keyboard player here, a mandolin, fiddle, or drummer here or there, but never all at once. Chelsea Bilbrey, lead guitarist, and my family are friends. Chelsea's father was the worship leader in my church growing up and I knew he had taught his daughters to play, so I kept bugging him, did he ask either of his girls if they wanted to be in my band yet. So finally her and I started getting together and making plans and at first we had her on bass because that's what we needed. We realized she was better on guitar and then started posting ads at music stores, Craigslist, Facebook, etc. Well good ol' Facebook panned out and we auditioned Sabrina Johnson, who showed up well rehearsed and we started practicing, booking shows as a 3 piece, and keeping the feelers out. Sabrina's husband plays in a band and through one of his gigs, Sabrina met spunky, Ellie Kimevski. Ellie was just learning to play and we said don't worry; just show up for practice and the rest is history.”
For Thorsell, putting together an all female line up provided a perfect platform for her music and in turn provided better communication and bonding from her band mates.
“It's such a male dominated industry, and I have such a gentle spirit and tender heart, I was just around one too many macho, big egos, playing over top of me, not taking me seriously, not wanting to share the spotlight, type of characters, that I figured ya’ know what it may be more drama than I want, but at least I know how females are wired and what makes us tick.”
The Honky Tonk Angels are truly not what you might expect when you see them live. “I feel a lot of people that aren't country music fans that hear our name, Honky Tonk Angels, and might not give us a chance, but if we had a dollar for every time we heard the comment," I don't even like country music, but I like yours!", we'd be driving down the road in a Prevost right now financially backing our own tour! Haha.” Second, putting up with the assumption about being an all female band stigma, said Thorsell, “Oh we're just a bunch of girl who can't play our instruments singing sappy love songs. We are more than a novelty act.”
As for the content and inspiration in the originals, "It comes from the heart and life experiences. We have songs about love, no love, money, no money, break ups, make ups, partying, heck we even have songs about guns, dogs, and bucking bulls, which my family raises."
Although the band has yet to release a CD and gain attention the Angels are ready to fly and start making noise. “As far as notoriety, not a whole lot yet. The wheels turn slow, but they are constantly turning forward. I think some of our greatest accomplishments are not material things, but things like learning to communicate, making the decision to drop our egos and hash out differences even if it's painful, learning our gear, and making our rehearsal sessions a priority, when everyone's life is dragging you in every direction. Doors are opening and word of mouth is spreading, and we are getting invited to play at bigger name venues that have National acts perform, such as the historic Odeon and Beachland Ballroom in Cleveland, so that's super exciting. There is a humbleness about us and we are just students always eager to learn and keep bettering ourselves. Also, we have just started collaborating together, which is huge, instead of me just being the main songwriter. We'd love to make a living that actually pays bills playing music. We would love to play stadiums, where the sounds of voices of people who have been touched or inspired or related to your songs, are echoing back, singing along to our songs.” She added, “When you work so hard and then you play that show and just feel so proud of your hard work paying off. Then you get the accolades, people dancing, seeing folks entertained by you, and it doubles the reward.”

If you have not yet gotten the message do not miss out on seeing the Honky Tonk Angels live. The Honky Tonk Angels deliver great music that is 'beer drinking rock' at its finest. The kind you can let your hair down and have a great time to. Check into their Facebook page and follow them. Get out and see them live where they are a must see. They have some shows coming up and will be at the Beachland Balllroom on March 10th in Cleveland. Thorsell said plans include “A Honky Tonk Angels CD, us continuing to hone our craft, and hopefully playing in a music venue near you.” Upcoming shows include The Beachland Ballroom, Red Dog Saloon Saturday April 28 and The Odeon Saturday May 12th. A radio appearance on Lake Effect Radio in April and hopefully many more shows in between, as the booking, keep coming.”
“We have a YouTube channel and Facebook videos. We would love people to follow us on Instagram and Facebook, where we are always engaging with fans and posting upcoming shows.”
Freebird - Honky Tonk Angel original