skinny girl diet

If you love music, rock and roll, grunge, punk and rebellion you had better get on board with Skinny Girl Diet out of the UK. They have been defying the music industry, paving their own path, creating intense manic magic with their instruments and making a statement all at the same time. I have been interviewing bands for over 30 years and as I dove into the normal stream of thought with Skinny Girl Diet I soon found myself backtracking and opening the can of worms that is loaded inside this creative group and realizing there was much more than meets the eye and ear here. Slits legend Liv Albertine said in Dazed & Confused magazine, “At last, real girls, young and believable, singing in their own voices. The music is raw, direct and unpretentious – these girls are timeless. They haven’t been squashed and moulded. They’re still fighting, still full of energy and self-belief. Go and see them – you’ll be inspired to get up there and do it too.”
Listen to Skinny Girl Diet and you will realize they are not about to be pigeonholed into a category and neatly tucked away for the press to classify. Yes, they are inspired and believe in the Riot Girl movement as a major political movement and that what they are creating with their music is more than just a reflection of that but is with the same attitude and meaning in today’s world which they want to be a part of making an impact on with their music. Keep listening and you will soon get their vibe and taking it to the streets and realize this is the music you need--filled with anger and rebellion, lo-fi energy and distortion, there is more than simple music by a group of girls—there is a statement by a tight unit that are going to defy the odds and kick your teeth in, or other body parts!
The band was formed in London by sisters’ singer, guitarist Delilah Holliday and drummer Ursula Holliday while in their early teens and they added their cousin Amelia Cutler. While they are described as a riot grrrl band known for feminist social commentary and DIY production, they are much more. Nirvanna, Hole, Bikini Kill, L7 and you can feel the vibe is much deeper as SGD take on the world on their own and in their own way makes them fresh and energizing and a band you need to know about and support because they provide a heavy dose of powerful songs that will move your soul.
“The world needs to know that we are trying to occupy a space in the music industry for outcasts and freaks and preserve music as an art form,” said Delilah. Ursala said, “We are anti-skinny girl diet and use our band to spread awareness through our name being a social commentary on the slimfast culture that we are surrounded by. It perpetuates anorexia and we are not at all trying to make those who are suffering with the illness feel bad but prevent people from thinking that a diet like this is a positive thing. We want to promote self-love as well as being a band for those that are being oppressed by the world we're living in. A scene where squares or ableist, racist, transphobic, sexist right wing homophobes don't dictate.” Ameliasaid, “ We’re three women from London who like to play noisy music and fight for the oppressed and misfits in society.”

"We're three young girls who were interested in making their own grunge/punk music for fun, the goal is to keep going despite the competitive and shallow nature of the music industry," explains Delilah.
Ursula: said, "To change the way people are thinking and to hopefully attract & provide a space for those with the same views as us to come together. We didn't solely start the band to do this, we started the band to make music. But as our opinions, that we've grown up with and deemed as normal, were such a 'statement' and challenging/shocking in the music industry & medias eyes we started speaking our honest views and truth, as people we are outspoken and political so it was inevitably going to lead us to use this creative platform as a way of fighting for against the injustices of the world and for those getting oppressed because it's something we care deeply about." "Delilah and Ursula had started a two piece called Typical Girls, and later on asked me to join since I started playing bass, Amelia said. It all went from there to be honest. Our goal is probably to keep playing music and be able to dedicate all our time to it. Hopefully, I’d want to be able to help bring about some meaningful change to at least some people’s lives and make things easier for young women wanting to pursue music."
SKD is all about their music and setting out to do it their way with a DIY attitude and style. They are tough girls--with girl gang attitude and are not to be messed with. Yes, you will be sorry if you tread on them because they are kicking ass and taking names. And they are about being on the forefront of creating something dynamic and unique comes the misunderstandings begining with the name of the band says Deliah. Ursula said, "They overlook our actual music and palm us off as just a 'girl band' something that is like a gimmick. People might misunderstand the choices we're made by being in fashion type magazines but that's where our message can be heard strongest in regards of just our name alone. We also aren't rich and as an unsigned punk band I think people expect you to suffer for your art and not "selling out" which is a concept that legendary punks like John Lydon (country life butter) and Iggy Pop (Car Insurance) adverts completely go against. I think as soon as you get political your under even more scrutiny than if you were to keep your mouth shut and sit on the fence. We kind of made a rod for our own back in that sense at the age of 12 from a working class background choosing a name like this and having to answer questions that someone majoring in politics would do an essay about." Amelia said, "Some people assume we won’t play very well or be as loud because we’re three young women. “You were actually really good, I was surprised!” What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
SKD are a great band and yes, they are women and can stand on their own and do not need any excuses or offer any apologies for their music. They rise above all the barriers the industry and the media put in their path. They do it with solid and impactful music and with plenty of high powered raw energy. Don't get the wrong idea about this band says Deliah, "that they all make the same genre of music and are all meant to be friends." "Tthat they're all the same genre and just because of our body parts that we all think the same, sound the same. Gender is not genre," said Ursula.
"People assume incompetence with all female bands or that they’ll play pop music, said Amelia. It’s as if a lot of these men can’t get their heads around women playing loud music or knowing what they’re doing at all. I’ve had a guy from another band we were playing with tell me where to plug my bass into the amp."
"Feminism means equality, said Ursula. I would hope all women are feminist otherwise they obviously don't respect themselves and think they are lower in society because of their gender. The views within feminism are different, as all women do not think the same. Some believe that Margret Thatcher was a feminist icon I strongly disagree and some others believe that the trans community are not apart of feminism which makes me very angry and its a vile small minded opinion which goes against equality that I disagree with. Other people think feminism can be stuck on a pair of pants or a tshirt as a slogan as female empowerment for capitalist money making schemes."
Amelia said, "It’s pretty difficult to put all our thoughts and ideas on one interview question. I consider myself an intersectional feminist, I think it’s really important to see how things like racism, homophobia, transphobia and ableism affect the way sexism manifests in each person’s lives.
"I know what its like to be oppressed and I dont want anyone to feel that way, so I wil fight with any creative outlet I can find to make someone feel like they arent going through their pain and anger alone," said Deliah.
Ursula said, "We've never fitted in anywhere, within the music industry or even in society. You're in a world where black boys are getting shot by corrupt police, child brides and girls are forced into having FGM, blaming rape victims with analysis on what they were wearing, a government controlled by an unelected Tory prime minister Theresa May as well as the fascist sexist nazi in the USA, Donald Trump in power. And that's just a few things. If we can as a band, spread awareness and fight against this through music (we've played charity nights and fundraisers) as well as incorporating our political views in our music, hopefully we're doing something productive."
SKD are about making music that gives girls music to feel empowered, liberated and look to as inspiration to lead forward in history. To make an impact for others to follow. If you can feel the mission and purpose presented here then get on board with this group and not only enjoy the great sounds they create but the intent they present with their music. Find them on Facebook, their web site and social media outlets.
Not just another band, Skinny Girl Diet are defying the stereotypes, intelligent, creative, and brilliant musicians who have something to say and aren’t afraid to say it. After releasing a few EP’s the band unleashed Heavy Flow in 2016 displaying their heavy grunge sound and lots or rebellious energy that is solid and an excellent LP that will satisfy your soul and delivers plenty of affirmation for young girls to grasp with inspiration and run wild with.

Skinny Girl Diet - Nadine Hurley
Skinny Girl Diet - Silver Spoons
Skinny Girl Diet - OKAY (Official Music Video)