Tygapuss is creating a revolution with her independent music from Hamburg, Germany, that demands your attention and shouts out loud in support of women. It is fast music for women who work smart and party hard according to her. It’s sassy and rebellious post punk music for women mixing alternative grunge and rock and roll with a throw back to the 90’s style that is straight ahead and raw. “I'm a puss making tiger music. Music for women. I'm on a mission to create the perfect soundtrack for a wild Girls' Night Out.”
The first single “He’s Savage Like an Animal” released in 2016 caught the attention of 30 college radio stations and the current single “Save Me From Myself” has received airplay in Germany, Austria, England, Switzerland and the United States and is gaining momentum. The debut album “Fun!” was released as a limited edition on vinyl this year and a CD is planned for 2018. Tygapuss is Anna Gette. Anna is backed with her band that includes Hannes Weißbach (guitar), Jo Heger (bass) and Youbi Deinas (drums). “My debut LP ''FUN!'' was recorded in December 2016 in Bremen, Germany. The songs on it are fast and rough and they sound like Jimi Hendrix, Blondie and Aerosmith are throwing a party. If you're a fan of romantic pop ballads, you will hate my record - but if you like to rock, you'll love it!”
Tygapuss recorded at the Studio-Nord_Bremen which served as a unique place to achieve their sound and also housed their apartments so it worked well together during the recording process. "The Studio-Nord-Bremen was the perfect place for the recordings. We wanted to keep the music raw and retro and add a high quality touch on it. Our engineer Oliver ''Srowe'' Sroweleit had everything we needed to get the sound we heard in our heads. We used an Otari 24-track tape machine and most of the equipment was from the 50s-70s. The place has a beautiful retro atmosphere, not only because of the vintage equipment. Just everything in the building from the parquet floor to the chairs is original stuff and some of it, like the ancient sofa in the recording room, was there from the beginning - as the studio was a ballroom in the twenties.
The band apartment was in the same building as the recording studio. We just went upstairs after our recording sessions and we were there. Like the studio, the apartment was all vintage, too! Everyone had their own room; we had a kitchen and even a washing machine. It's perfect to live in the studio, because it makes it easy to stay in the workflow. We woke up, had some breakfast, started recording and worked twelve hours per day. This was possible, because Srowe rarely made breaks. These seven days were very focused and I loved it. Everyone was working hard, but was relaxed at the same time. It felt like the right people came together in the right place at the right time.”
What began as a studio project quickly evolved into a regular band and the rest is becoming history. “My songwriting partner Youbi Deinas and I wrote hundreds of song ideas, before we chose the best eight songs for the album. We took our time to produce a demo and that gave us a clear vision of how the album will sound. Then we started to look for a studio band to record the songs in a better quality. We asked Jo ''Mean'' Heger to play all bass parts except on ''Emotionwonderland'' (recorded with Julian Domke on bass). We've known Jo for almost ten years and used to play together, so we knew his sound, which is by the way mean, that's why he's called Mean. We heard about Silvan Strauss from a befriended drummer and had one rehearsal with him. It was clear he'd be the drummer on this record after we heard him play the intro of the first song. He's extremely musical and his sound is a beautifully balanced mix of punk and hip hop. Silvan brought guitarist Alex Eckert into the band who impressed me with his huge emotional expression though his guitar, because he's a quiet guy who seems to be more rational than emotional when you talk to him. So, it was not a traditional band that formed and started to write songs together. It started as a studio band and it worked out so well, that we decided we would like to see where the future will take us together.”
“I'm inspired by so many things, because I learned to stay open for inspiration, but most of all it's people, dialogues and movies. I usually start with melody ideas that land in my head when I'm in a silent place. When I take a walk in the nature or when I'm driving my car on empty country roads it's very likely that I'll hear the melodies for my next song idea. My inspiration for ''He's savage like an animal'' came to me when I was watching ''Dirty Dancing'' which is one of my favourite movies. Although I had a crush on the main character Johnny when I was eleven, it wasn't until 2015 that I realized he's the perfect mix of a bad boy and a romantic! And this interesting personality made Johnny a great muse for ''He's savage like an animal''.
Tygapuss has held a banner for women—music for women which is an outpouring of her views from a female perspective. “First of all: I don't ban men, I love men and they love my music, too. It's just that the themes in my songs are from a female point of view and I feel like I speak to other women through my lyrics. I've always been surrounded by more women than men and it feels like my personal natural development that I make music for women: I attended a high school for girls and had a lot of fun there. We danced on the tables and I laughed more than I learned. Our class was the first one that was told to have their classroom in the cellar of the school building, because we played the music too loud during the breaks. After school I worked as a singing teacher and 99% of my students were female. Women and girls have played a big role in my life and I want to give something back of the fun I had with them.”
Tygapuss plays intense, catchy, danceable music that will hook you and keep you coming back for more. Just don’t expect to be hearing anything on the top 40 charts here as the music stands apart and stands strong on its own.
”I don't follow any trends in music. When I sent my demo to music business people they were surprised, because of the classic retro sound. They were looking for some more electro influences. I guess they still want to milk this cow. I'm no friend of modern effects in music and you also won't hear ballads from me. I like to keep it classic, minimal, rough and fast. Substance is very important to me: every note, beat and word has a job in the song. Everything makes sense.”
And now if you aren’t hungry for some Tygapuss, you are not hungry for music. You can whet your appetite at these sites: “We have some videos on youtube, an instagram and facebook account. And of course our website which I mentioned above:www.tygapuss.com where you can buy the album!” I'm giving away free music on my website www.tygapuss.com. Subscribe to our newsletter (6-8 newsletters per year) and download ''He's savage like an animal'' for free. Share it with your friends, just have fun with it!”
TYGAPUSS - He's Savage Like An Animal
TYGAPUSS - Save Me From Myself

Tygapuss web site